Assignment 3 Part 3 : Selected images and self-evaluation

Assignment 3
Part 3 : Assignment 3, Selected images and Self Evaluation

My Place in Landscape 

Bodies are both materially and socially constructed, always in a state of becoming, constantly (re)configured in relation to their environment.

(Morag Rose (2015) p. 159

The one thought that struck me upon reading the diary I kept as part of the Assignment brief was, “I lead a quiet life nowadays” enjoying looking at our garden and feeling the sun on my face. I decided to create a project around the garden. Surprisingly this ended up with some self-portraits there (although I moved indoors eventually) and I wrote about these as a potential Assignment here. I also had another idea concerning the old apple tree as metaphor and symbol. Time constraints have meant that the latter will now become a personal project rather than a potential Assignment 3.

Instead I decided to move my self -portraits into the Landscape. I feel different there, breathe more easily and use the opportunity for contemplation. The world with all its troubles feels a different place when I am surrounded by green.

I have explained the personal/artistic context and the process here and here. My intention has been to find a way to put myself into the frame, mainly facing the camera, whilst not entirely merging with the views or obstructing the viewer’s gaze. My relationship with landscape has been a continuing subject for exploration during this Module and that will continue.

I have chosen 14 images and also improved a video slideshow I created to show my ‘emergence’ from the landscape.

I am usually most interested in combining text with images but, on this occasion, have decided to let the still images speak for themselves.

The chosen images


Demonstration of Technical and Visual Skills

I had concerns regarding printing in my previous Assignment and eventually purchased a more up-to-date printer, so I hope prints are of a better quality. The creation of videos is new to me and I know I have much to learn. At present I am continuing to practise, using iMovie now with the aid of a book that is comprehensive yet fairly easy to understand. My next step will be to find a suitable workshop. Additionally I have become more proficient in using wireless remote shutter release. Creating self-portraits outdoors has been relatively easy but I need more practice in indoor work. The use of lighting rather than natural light will be my next step.

Quality of Outcome

I believe I have demonstrated a sound foundation of knowledge in respect of relevant artists and writers that has been assimilated from wider reading and research.. Similarly in respect of relating these to my practice and being able to communicate my ideas to others. Comments on my blog from fellow students and discussions with them have confirmed this.

Demonstration of Creativity

I don’t feel as if I have been as intellectually creative as in Assignment 2. However, I did challenge myself to make self-portraits (despite knowing I didn’t really have to) utilised a wig to give me confidence, and then translated the idea outwards to landscape. I took what seemed a large risk to me in taking my camera equipment outdoors and then walking some distance from it to create the self-portraits.

I do believe that I have found my own personal voice and continued to us it in expressing my approach to landscape.


I have reflected on reading and research throughout and continually related this to my artistic practice. I particularly enjoyed this during this Module and, for the first time, with this Assignment, tried the experiment of not making notes at the time; creating images and then looking to see how I had assimilated all that I had viewed and read. This worked well for me on this occasion. It also meant that I looked again at books and images and this reinforced my learning.

One thing I have been particularly pleased about is that I have been able to more closely link my early experiences with present interests so that I have more understanding of the way in which they have affected my outlook on life.


2nd September 2015



Pogue, D & Miller, A (2014) iMovie : the missing manual. Revised 3rd ed. Canada: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Richardson T (Ed) (2015) Walking Inside Out : Contemporary British Psychogeography, London: Rowman & Littlefield
Rose, M (2015) Confessions of an Anarcho-Flâneuse in : Richardson, T (ed) Walking Inside Out : Contemporary British Psychogeography, London: Rowman & Littlefield.

17 thoughts on “Assignment 3 Part 3 : Selected images and self-evaluation

  1. Well done on getting this one done Catherine. I think you have found a way to express yourself. You seem to have learned loads—both technically and about other photographers practice, so this is all good. And the transitions in the video are slightly smoother. You’re braver than me—I’ve never tried working with video!


  2. I like how the series ends on “I hope you have enjoyed your visit”. It is a very interesting work Catherine, your images strike me as very ‘real’, I don’t know if it is the high quality of them, but it feels like I could almost touch the places, feel them, enter into them – like in Spike Jonze’s movie, “Being John Malkovitch”. I have to polish my thoughts but there is something like being momentarily a passenger in your (Catherine) mind while you (catherine) are observing yourself. Puzzling and captivating!


  3. I wasn’t sure about the last image so it’s good to know you like it Stephanie.
    I’m interested in your comment regarding being momentarily a passenger in my mind. Maybe that’s connected with my commentary?


    • I don’t know how to explain it really. If the images where printed life size, I would really get the impression that I am under your skin I think, and sometimes, when you appear, you ‘real’ self in the images has almost a ‘ghostly’ presence. I say all that in a positive way, your work is intriguing and unsettling, and I could read your presence as a wandering soul inhabiting this forest.


  4. I think the video is much improved in your new version, Catherine. Something that comes to mind for me is that I understand your motivation and contextualisation of this assignment, and it stands very well alone with that background, but the images are very similar in subject to those of assignment 1, even down to the abandoned objects. When it comes to assessment, you might have to justify how they differ. Have you considered how you would do this? It’s something worth thinking about.


    • A good point and I did think of that Holly. They’re not the same objects and the narrative, place and theme are very different. There are also other self-portraits in the Copse as well that I didn’t include in the final image selection because the atmosphere I wanted to convey is/was my walk through the woods. Will have to wait to see what my tutor thinks.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Well done Catherine , the video is much improved and like Vicki I have never attempted one myself. The image that intrigues me is the 5th one. The spade is quite sinister , I find myself asking why is it there , who’s is it ? Was that intentional because I feel it works well at suggesting unease ? The self portraits work really well too , I like them very much.


  6. The way you explore your relationship with landscape is very appealing. I’m not sure how does it make me feel yet but you’re content with doing it. I like ‘the spade picture’ too, however my favourite one is no 6. Two long shadows that look like a track. I find it symbolic: you track down a place that resonate with you or how do you resonate with a place.


    • It does show the benefit of laying out photos and then keeping going back to them. The one with the shadows wasn’t originally in my final selection but, when I looked again, it seemed to be shouting to be noticed.


  7. Well done Catherine, I like the combination of you and a your place and the involvement of your dogs gives it extra context – this is me, my adopted space and what I do in it. Like Katarzyz I was very taken with the two long shadows but they work well as a series.


  8. This is such a thoughtful and expressive piece of work Catherine, really well done. Somehow you have joined yourself with the wood to become part of it, both emotionally and spiritually; I can feel your presence in each image even when you are not physically there. In some ways I find that eerie, but not in a bad way. I need to think more about that.


    • Thanks Carol. There have been times when I’ve thought it was all all mundane and everyday (which it is in a way) but it is part of my life and so I’m pleased that you’ve sensed some depth as well.


  9. Pingback: Revisiting Assignment 3 | Context and Narrative

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